Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about our practice? Check out our FAQs below!


Why do I need to pre-pay for my pet’s examination?

Pre-payment is required for new clients to hold their examination spot on the schedule. Additionally, if you miss a scheduled appointment without prior notice (“no-call, no-show”), pre-payment will be necessary when booking a new appointment. This helps us maintain an efficient schedule and provide care to all our clients effectively.

What happens if I miss my appointment without notifying you?

If a scheduled appointment is missed without prior notice, you will need to pre-pay for your pet’s examination when booking a new appointment. This policy helps us manage our schedule and ensure that other patients in need of care can be accommodated.

Why is it important to keep my pet's yearly wellness examinations up to date?

Federal and state laws require veterinarians to have an established Veterinary-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR) to advise, treat, or prescribe medications for your pet. Maintaining up-to-date yearly wellness examinations ensures that the VCPR remains intact, allowing our veterinarians to provide ongoing care and prescribe necessary treatments.

What should I do if I am going to be late or need to reschedule my appointment?

Please call ahead if you are going to be late or need to reschedule. Timely communication helps us manage our schedule effectively and provide the best service to all our clients. We understand that unexpected situations can arise, and we aim to be as accommodating as possible.

What are the benefits of these policies?

These policies help us maintain an efficient schedule, provide timely care to all our patients, and ensure that we can allocate our resources optimally. They also help us comply with legal requirements regarding the VCPR, ensuring that we can continue to provide high-quality veterinary care.

How can I contact you if I have questions or need assistance with scheduling?

If you have any questions or need assistance with scheduling an appointment, please contact our client service team at 978-632-0024 (call or text) or frontdesk@tenderheartvetcare.com.